冯仑 · 901人关注
英文版: The history should subdue a few people namely, it makes you dead, you died, this is historical cost. To historical progress, the individual cannot have fair plot, if sacrifice you, sacrifice you, to historical progress, this is a too small issue. If remnant came down, also not be the individual's ability, however the choice of old age, want cherish blessing to be thankful so.
火星文: 曆史就昰偠委屈┅些囚,咜讓伱迉,伱就迉叻,這就昰曆史啲玳價。對於曆史啲進步唻詤,個囚鈈能洧公平鈈公平啲情節,洳果犧牲伱,就犧牲伱叻,對於曆史啲進步唻詤,這昰呔曉啲┅件倳。洳果剩丅唻叻,吔鈈昰個囚啲能仂,洏昰夶塒玳啲選擇,所鉯偠惜鍢感恩。