任正非 · 356人关注
英文版: I am 44 years old when, was cheated in manage 2 million, be removed sb's name from the rolls by group of the oil austral the state-owend enterprise, ceng Qiuliu allows to refuse, still bear pay off 2 million debt. The wife divorced with me again, I am taking little sister of brother of old father old woman to live in Shenzhen hut, found China for the company. I do not feel to fall terrible, terrible is also stand not to rise again.
火星文: 莪44歲啲塒候,茬經營ф被騙叻200萬,被國企喃油集團除名,曾求留任遭拒絕,還褙負還清200萬債。妻孓又囷莪離叻婚,莪帶著咾爹咾娘弟弟妹妹茬深圳住棚屋,創竝囮為公司。莪鈈覺嘚跌倒鈳怕,鈳怕啲昰洅吔站鈈起唻。