林清玄 · 565人关注
英文版: The material that the person can enjoy, and the heart that depends on a person how as corresponding as the life. Dire straits horizontal stroke of the world is gone against admittedly it may be said, but the person goes against dire straits in the horizontal stroke during, without the line that manages oneself, cannot discovering happy switch just is the most terrible.
火星文: 囚所能享受啲粅質,洏茬於囚啲惢靈洳何與苼活對應。囚間啲困厄橫逆固然鈳謂,但囚茬橫逆困厄の際,莈洧自處の噵,找鈈箌圉鍢啲開關才昰朂鈳怕啲。