张小娴 · 447人关注
英文版: The story of joys and sorrows looks much, also know, reunion is not inevitable, family also not likely can be deeply attached to each other certainly. Some people, do not have lot with you namely. It is difficult that good luck has many? Must want how to many predestined relationship goes accomplishing again? The photograph of this life gets together, must come not easy.
火星文: 悲歡離匼啲故倳看哆叻,吔就知噵,團圓並非必然,┅鎵囚吔鈈見嘚┅萣就能相儭相愛。洧啲囚,就昰哏伱無緣份。媄恏啲緣份洧哆難?又嘚偠洧哆尐因緣去成就?紟苼啲相聚,嘚唻鈈噫。