马云 · 692人关注
英文版: I believe to want to never abandon only forever, of we or organic meeting. Finally, we still are certain a bit, there should be a dream only on this world, want ceaseless effort only, want continuous study only, no matter you grow how, no matter be such, or in that way, the man's appearance often the talent with his becomes inverse ratio. Very brutal today, brutaller tomorrow, very good the day after tomorrow, but absolutely much is to be in to death tomorrow night, so everybody does not abandon today.
火星文: 莪詠遠相信呮偠詠鈈放棄,莪們還昰洧機茴啲。朂後,莪們還昰堅信┅點,這卋堺仩呮偠洧夢想,呮偠鈈斷努仂,呮偠鈈斷學習,鈈管伱長嘚洳何,鈈管昰這樣,還昰那樣,侽囚啲長相往往囷彵啲啲才囮成反仳。紟兲很殘酷,朙兲哽殘酷,後兲很媄恏,但絕對夶蔀汾昰迉茬朙兲晚仩,所鉯烸個囚鈈偠放棄紟兲。