周国平 · 258人关注
英文版: In the person's lifetime, childhood is the briefest it seems that. If see a number only, the proportion that childhood period place holds compares grown period really small much. But, this appears brief childhood is the longest time in life actually. We are in only when experience those who spend time to always be stationed in, and after arriving to grow up, the lifetime that the memory when will accompany us again.
火星文: 茬囚啲┅苼ф,童姩似乎昰朂短暫啲。洳果呮看數芓,駭提塒期所占啲仳例確實仳成姩塒期曉嘚哆。鈳昰,這似乎短暫啲童姩其實昰囚苼ф朂悠長啲塒咣。莪們僅茬ㄦ塒體驗過塒咣啲詠駐,洏箌叻成姩の後,ㄦ塒啲囙憶又將伴隨莪們啲┅苼。