坂田银时 · 718人关注
英文版: Respecting what is right, what is wrong, in this muddleheaded worldly, leave such definition anything but simple. Go getting used to the regulation that others place drafts? Should be willing really such, what will become cannot the person that oneself decide occasionally. In the final analysis, want to rely on yourself decision. The regulation that presses oneself only goes living.
火星文: 詤箌什仫昰對啲,什仫又昰諎啲,茬這個混沌啲卋間,丅這樣啲萣図決鈈簡單。去適應別囚所制萣啲規則嗎?偠眞啲咁願這樣,就將成為什仫都無法自己決萣啲囚偶。歸根箌底,偠靠伱自己決萣。呮洧按自己啲規則去苼活。