悲伤逆流成河 · 614人关注
英文版: God-given in the winter sunlight, illuminate into lofty window, in the facula with the tremendous pitching on the ground, in dust floating air, the shift like slow motion becomes countless insignificant the Milky Way, resembling is those tiny universes in the slide that has seen on geographical class.
火星文: 冬兲難嘚啲ㄖ咣,照進高夶啲窗戶,茬地面仩投絀巨夶啲咣斑,塵埃浮動啲涳気裏,慢鏡頭┅樣啲移動成無數渺曉啲煋河,像昰茬地悝課仩看過啲幻燈爿裏啲那些微曉啲宇宙。