海明威 · 573人关注
英文版: But not was new together in these scars. The place that corrodes in the desert that their elephant can make without the fish is general and old. Everything on his body appears old, besides that pair of eyes, they are as general as seawater blue, be happy and do not agree to admit defeat.
火星文: 但昰這些傷疤ф莈洧┅塊昰噺啲。咜們潒無鱻鈳咑啲沙漠ф被侵蝕啲地方┅般古咾。彵身仩啲┅切都顯嘚古咾,除叻那雙眼聙,咜們潒海沝┅般藍,昰愉快洏鈈肯認輸啲。