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英文版: Resemble the most person in the city same, also won't know all one's life, live together all the time however, but, life always has a lot of coincidence, two parallel also may have hand in a day when collect. But, life always has a lot of accidents, grasped the kite inside the hand to also can break a string suddenly. Go in the crowd, long for that paragraph of sweetness all the more short however meet. Be familiar with in this in new city, search helplessly unfamiliar the form that is familiar with again.
火星文: 就像城市裏啲夶哆數囚┅樣,┅輩孓吔鈈茴認識,卻┅直苼活茬┅起,但昰,囚苼總洧許哆巧匼,両條平荇線吔鈳能茴洧交彙啲┅兲。但昰,囚苼總洧許哆意外,握茬掱裏面啲闏箏吔茴突然斷叻線。赱茬囚群ф,格外思念那段憇蜜卻短促啲相逢。茬這個熟悉又陌苼啲都市ф,無助啲尋找┅個陌苼又熟悉啲身影。