平凡的世界 · 267人关注
英文版: He stands on the summit, ground of for a long time is looking at the direction of the county, face group of continuous and ceaseless hill in dusk, hot tear flows soundlessly on his cheek dripping. Excuse me embellish leaf, I will far go an alien land goes searching an unfamiliar girl. Fastened my dear.
火星文: 彵站茬屾頂仩,久久地望著縣城啲方姠,面對黃昏ф連綿鈈斷啲群屾,熱淚茬彵臉頰仩無聲地鋶淌著。原諒莪吧潤旪,莪將偠遠去彵鄉去尋找┅個陌苼啲姑娘。別叻莪儭愛啲。