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英文版: The university is the crucial phase of life. Because,this is, this is you in lifetime finally opportunity systematization geography solves education. This is you final can the intellectual base that total heart builds you. This may be you final the life level that can use paragraphs of big time at study, also may be final the growing course that can have taller plasticity to center energy to enrich ego. This perhaps is you can be in finally relatively good-tempered, can the dreamy environment that place oneself studies humanness ways of life among them.
火星文: 夶學昰囚苼啲關鍵階段。這昰因為,這昰伱┅苼ф朂終┅佽洧機茴系統性地悝解教育。這昰伱朂終┅佽能夠銓惢建竝伱啲知識基礎。這鈳能昰伱朂終┅佽能夠將夶段塒間鼡於學習啲囚苼階段,吔鈳能昰朂終┅佽能夠擁洧較高啲鈳塑性集ф精仂充實自莪啲成長曆程。這吔許昰伱朂終┅佽能茬相對寬容啲,能夠置身其ф學習為囚處卋の噵啲夢想環境。
霸权主义, 白俄罗斯语, 白兰地, 白兰地是属于什么酒, 白兰地和威士忌的区别, 白兰地怎么喝, 白领丽人, 白帽子, 。