李开复 · 234人关注
英文版: Happy understanding has ten million to plant, his explanation is different, can be the happiness with the greatest life can do ego namely. Believe ego, follow the heart of ego and intuition, do not want implicit credo, vie not blindly, you can be the happiest.
火星文: 圉鍢啲悝解洧芉萬種,烸囚啲詮釋都鈈┅樣,鈳昰囚苼朂夶啲圉鍢就昰能夠做自莪。相信自莪,哏隨自莪啲惢靈囷直覺,鈈偠吂從信條,鈈偠吂目攀仳,伱就茴昰朂圉鍢啲。