史铁生 · 947人关注
英文版: The meaning of life is absent to be searched outwards originally take, and building upcountry. That meaning is not originally inherent, the person of physiology encounters to it without the predestined relationship. That meaning is put forward by mental place, also come true by spirit, that is deiform the requirement to human nature. Under this requirement, ever the brimless life meaning of abreaction Yu Yuzhou is heavy gather together rises, the fugacious life sense that is lost at the destiny is heavy intelligent rise, suffer stranded the misshapen life meaning overweight at the person to see a way.
火星文: 苼命啲意図夲鈈茬姠外啲尋取,洏茬姠內啲建竝。那意図夲非與苼俱唻,苼悝啲囚無緣與の相遇。那意図由精神所提絀,吔由精神去實哯,那便昰神性對囚性啲偠求。這偠求の丅,曾消散於宇宙の無邊啲苼命意図重又聚攏起唻,迷夨於命運の無瑺啲苼命意図重又聰慧起唻,受困於囚の殘缺啲苼命意図重於看見叻蕗。
霸权主义, 白俄罗斯语, 白兰地, 白兰地是属于什么酒, 白兰地和威士忌的区别, 白兰地怎么喝, 白领丽人, 白帽子, 。