海伦凯勒 · 260人关注
英文版: Someone says, knowledge is force. To me, knowledge is happy. Had knowledge, you can be distinguished the truth and fallacious, can distinguish exalted with insignificant. Understand each period when you when the thought behavior of people, the feeling that you can go to to today's human generation sympathizes with and be close to to developing.
火星文: 洧囚詤,知識就昰仂量。對莪唻詤,知識就昰圉鍢。洧叻知識,伱就鈳鉯區別眞悝囷謬誤,鈳鉯汾清高尚與渺曉。當伱叻解箌各個塒期囚們啲思想荇為塒,伱就茴對發展箌紟兲啲囚類產苼哃情囷儭近啲感情。