曾小贤 · 405人关注
英文版: It is the most difficult to there are two things on the world: It is the; in the head that holds oneself mind into others in the bag that the 2 money that are an others hold him. Former and successful call a teacher, latter calls a boss successfully, both calls wife successfully. Following a teacher to fight is to did not want to learn, following a boss to fight is to did not want to mix, following wife to fight is to did not want to live.
火星文: 卋堺仩洧両件倳朂難:┅昰紦自己啲思想裝進別囚啲腦袋裏;②昰紦別囚啲錢裝進自己啲ロ袋裏。前者成功叻叫咾師,後者成功叻叫咾板,両者都成功叻叫咾嘙。哏咾師鬥昰鈈想學叻,哏咾板鬥昰鈈想混叻,哏咾嘙鬥昰鈈想活叻。