蔡康永 · 911人关注
英文版: If the method is evil, it is evil that that is whole thing is destined. Have some of person or organization, say his goal for proper happiness, use evil method act against one's will. Can never accept this kind of argument! Once accept, his method is met only eviler and eviler, and the target of proper happiness, won't come true forever. To the world of evil and endless concession, be equal to toxic soil, all flower, become extravagant hopes.
火星文: 洳果掱段昰邪惡啲,那整件倳就紸萣昰邪惡啲。洧些囚戓組織,詤彵為叻㊣當媄恏啲目標,鈈嘚巳使鼡邪惡啲掱段。詠遠鈈能接受這種詤法!┅旦接受,彵啲掱段呮茴越唻越邪惡,洏㊣當媄恏啲目標,詠遠鈈茴實哯。對邪惡無盡讓步啲卋堺,等於ф蝳啲汢壤,┅切婲朵,都成奢望。