曾小贤 · 949人关注
英文版: 90 years old of old ladies why bring the dying back to life, why does hundreds sow scream in the middle of the night, schoolgirl dormitory why again and again have things stolen, the supermarket is convenient why does the face suffer a vicious person manipulating sb or sth from behind the scenes, in the backside of all these, it is human twist, still be moral fall, close those who make clear a day please, small virtuous the word says, good man is me, I am, ceng Xiaoxian.
火星文: 九┿歲咾呔為何起迉囙苼,數百頭毋豬為何半夜慘叫,囡苼宿舍為何頻頻夨竊,超市方便面為何慘遭嫼掱,茬這┅切啲褙後,昰囚性啲扭曲,還昰噵德啲淪喪,敬請關紸朙兲啲,曉賢洧話詤,恏侽囚就昰莪,莪就昰,曾曉賢。