白岩松 · 854人关注
英文版: The end that these content change comes true in succession, but the Chinese also discovers gradually, accompanying material happily as agreed upon and come, in whole crowd, be full of the sound that complain, the official complains high, of low complain, complain thoroughly, rich also complain.
火星文: 這些粅囮啲目標陸續實哯,但ф國囚吔逐漸發哯,圉鍢並莈洧伴隨著粅質洳約洏唻,整個囚群ф,充滿著菢怨の聲,官高啲菢怨,位卑啲菢怨,窮啲菢怨,富啲吔菢怨。