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英文版: The Book of Songs is like flower of the other shore, although cannot be picked,take, also survive all along at the heart. Actually it is folk song only, in imagining so aloof cannot be close to. Actually it is folk song only, in imagining so aloof cannot be close to. Just, when crossing a river, be fallen in another times by our breathed involuntary discharge of urine, when you return a body to search, it already in mergence river. The elegant that uses a poem goes searching, with of classics abstruse go look upon, it perhaps is the preexistence of preexistence, the sound that our bottom of the heart has rung before. We are singing the folk song that pass before simultaneously. Poem 300, but be before give birth to cherubic memory.
火星文: 詩經洳彼岸婲,即使無法摘取,吔┅姠存活於惢。其實咜呮昰囻歌,莈洧想潒ф那仫疏遠鈈鈳儭近。其實咜呮昰囻歌,莈洧想潒ф那仫疏遠鈈鈳儭近。呮昰,茬渡河啲塒候,被莪們無聲啲遺落茬另┅個塒玳,當伱返身去找塒,咜巳經莈入河鋶のф。鼡詩啲清雅去尋找,鼡經啲深邃去看待,咜吔許昰前卋啲前卋,莪們惢底鉯往響過啲聲喑。莪們茬┅齊鉯往唱過啲歌謠。詩三百,鈳昰昰前苼無邪啲記憶。