顾小白 · 893人关注
英文版: Discover one day next, then the individual also can leave, he also can have true love, when final finally, you encounter a person, he and you are same, had harmed others, also had sufferred harm. He knows to ache, know to cherish then with mercy. Arrived one day that, that individual that you encounter, that ability is your true Valentine's Day.
火星文: 然後洧┅兲發哯,那個囚吔茴離開,彵吔茴洧眞愛,等箌朂後啲朂後,伱遇箌┅個囚,彵囷伱┅樣,傷害過別囚,吔受過傷害。彵知噵疼,於昰知噵珍惜與慈悲。箌叻那┅兲,伱遇箌啲那個囚,那才昰伱眞㊣啲情囚節。