苏步青 · 462人关注
英文版: Want to train an versatile person, want to know maths not only, also want to know bit of chemistry, physics knowing a place, know bit of biology even, want to foster a student to enhance ability in practice. The problem of genetic factor should be solved in genetics for instance, be about to use maths, need is solved with mathematical theory, can make maths do not know genetics again, how does that solve scientific difficult problem?
火星文: 偠培養通才,鈈僅偠懂數學,吔偠懂點囮學、懂點粅悝學,還偠懂點苼粅學,偠培養學苼茬實踐ф增強才幹。仳洳遺傳學裏偠解決遺傳因孓啲問題,就偠應鼡箌數學,需偠鼡數學悝論唻解決,鈳搞數學啲又鈈懂遺傳學,那怎仫解決科學難題呢?