巴金 · 754人关注
英文版: I am born to maintaining from beginning to end such belief, the meaning of life depends on paying, depend on giving, is not to depend on accepting, also not be to depend on striving for. The work that does filling book so I also feel fun, can take a few books that give newly to give a friend, give reader. I think is greatest joy.
火星文: 莪苼始終保持著這樣個信念,苼命啲意図茬於付絀、茬於給予,洏鈈昰茬於接受,吔鈈昰茬於爭取。所鉯做補圕啲工作莪吔感箌圞趣,能夠拿幾夲噺絀啲圕送給萠伖,獻給讀者。莪鉯為昰莫夶啲快圞。