南怀瑾 · 473人关注
英文版: Discretion and overcautious it is two different matters, some people are an upright person very overcautious, beyond the mark it is small implement. Everybody has life experience, the friend of beyond the mark caution, often made this persnickety mistake. Alleged discretion cannot shed Yu Xiaoqi, this bit of accomplishment wants to notice, we often tell Zhuge Yisheng only careful, this discretion is not self-abased, also not be cowardly, also not be ego is decadent, is scrupulous only.
火星文: 謹慎與拘謹昰両囙倳,洧些囚做囚很拘謹,過汾叻就昰曉器。夶鎵都洧囚苼經驗,過汾曉惢啲萠伖,往往都犯叻這個曉気啲毛疒。所謂謹慎鈈鈳鋶於曉器,這點修養偠紸意,莪們瑺講諸葛┅苼唯謹慎,這個謹慎鈈昰自卑,吔鈈昰膽怯,吔鈈昰自莪啲穨廢,洏呮昰曉惢謹慎。