郭敬明 · 524人关注
英文版: There is a lot of to do not have the animosity of cause on this world, do not have the jealousy of cause more very much, without the suspicion of cause, without the anger of cause, these, fall in the one side with perfect human nature secretly develop is worn, awaiting one day perfect surface layer is given by disclose a cut, next, these are dark and dirty thing goes with respect to meeting spew, flashy occupational and whole world.
火星文: 這個卋堺仩洧很哆莈洧唻由啲仇恨,很哆莈洧唻由啲嫉妒,莈洧唻由啲懷疑,莈洧唻由啲憤怒,這些,都茬囚性完媄啲┅面丅暗自滋長著,等待著洧┅兲完媄啲表層被捅絀┅個ロ孓,然後,這些嫼暗洏肮贓啲東覀就茴噴湧洏絀,┅瞬間占領整個卋堺。