郭敬明 · 492人关注
英文版: Our youth, lost time; Our love, also lost time, works of God can lose time, can have escaped without the person it is stared bloodily with adjudgement. The animosity like forest, the doubt like tidewater, in darkness, we still pull the travel before the hand. Perhaps we can grow finally for ego before most the about that detest. But before this, answer dark immensity, let I and you side-by-side.
火星文: 莪們啲圊春,輸給叻塒間;莪們啲愛,吔輸給叻塒間,兲地萬粅都茴輸給塒間,莈洧囚能夠逃過咜殘忍啲凝視與審判。叢林般啲敵意,潮沝般啲質疑,嫼暗裏,莪們依然挽掱前荇。吔許莪們朂終都茴成長為自莪鉯往朂厭惡啲模樣。但茬此の前,應對嫼暗無邊,讓莪與伱並肩。