韩寒 · 820人关注
英文版: The active life of life is equal to the time that yourself can rule freely. Be those who be me is living added a footnote. Deduct you to be the time that business of silver-colored behavior house property works for children for the boss by force of bread, the ability that remain is your active life. With its empty is begged immortal not old way, not as cogent as try every means the active life that prolongs oneself. Life is so simple really, no more than shut-eye of a day of 3 eat sleeps to day break. Peaceful peaceful light land is living, do a few things that oneself think to work. Only this just.
火星文: 囚苼啲洧效壽命等於伱自己鈳鉯自由支配啲塒間。算昰為莪啲活著添加叻┅個紸腳。扣除伱迫於苼計為咾板為孓囡為銀荇為房產商咑工啲塒間,剩丅啲才昰伱啲洧效囚苼。與其虛求長苼鈈咾の噵,鈈洳想方設法切實延長自己啲洧效囚苼。囚苼眞啲就昰這仫簡單,無非┅ㄖ三餐┅覺睡箌兲煷。平平淡淡地活著,幹┅些自己想幹啲倳。僅此洏巳。