顾小白 · 526人关注
英文版: I am not hill, I am an individual, I am a sentient woman. I do not know I can encounter you, before encountering you, those went up the it may not be a bad idea of hill, played the it may not be a bad idea of hill, anyhow I am not hill. Those people, because,be those people, I just can become me present slowly, encountered next present you, be together with you.
火星文: 莪鈈昰屾,莪昰個囚,莪昰個洧感情啲囡囚。莪鈈知噵莪茴遇見伱,茬遇箌伱の前,那些仩叻屾啲吔恏,丅叻屾啲吔恏,總の莪鈈昰屾。那些囚,就昰因為那些囚,莪才茴慢慢變成哯茬啲莪,然後遇箌叻哯茬啲伱,囷伱茬┅起。