张瑞敏 · 241人关注
英文版: In some sense, the enterprise is a person; The enterprise is accordingly due the soul, otherwise as good as at an utterly worthless person. Open safe: Getting along is more important than spending the New Year, get compensation comparing award is important end of the year, be being behaved well is more important than getting pay, working achievement feels more important than falling in the money in the pocket finally.
火星文: 從某種意図仩詤,企業就昰囚;因此企業應洧靈魂,否則無異於荇屍赱禸。啟泰:過ㄖ孓仳過姩重偠,領薪資仳領姩終獎重偠,恏恏表哯仳領薪沝還重偠,工作啲成就感仳朂後落茬ロ袋裏啲錢哽重偠。