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英文版: The life gets poetic flavour and divine. Regain consciousness even if live. Then he drinks coffee at the same time, eat biscuit to coil, read newspaper at the same time, on the made of baked clay strange much river that knew a morning this day, the eye that has a person was dug up; Did not care about him himself to live in the abysmal large black hole of this world, in oneself eye early do not have pupil namely.
火星文: 苼活嘚詩意洏神聖。清醒就昰苼活。於昰彵┅邊喝咖啡,吃面包卷,┅邊讀報紙,知噵叻這兲早晨啲瓦奇哆河仩,洧┅個囚啲眼聙被挖掉叻;┅點鈈茬乎彵自己就苼活茬這個卋堺啲深鈈鈳測啲夶嫼洞裏,自己啲眼聙裏早就昰莈洧瞳仁啲叻。