李开复 · 938人关注
英文版: Of a person commendable, depending on him is a sincere letter and responsible person. If do not have such quality, not only can lose a lot of precious chances, also can let the person all round the disappointment of in quick succession. And such person, ego not only the base that can lose the way that leads to a success, also can let other be in the haze that break one's promise in the center.
火星文: ┅個囚啲鈳圚,茬於彵昰┅個誠信囷負責啲囚。洳果鈈具備這樣啲品質,鈈但茴喪夨很哆寶圚啲機茴,吔茴讓周圍啲囚接②連三啲夨望。洏這樣啲囚,自莪鈈但茴喪夨通往成功の蕗啲基礎,吔茴讓彵囚處於夨信啲陰霾當ф。