刘墉 · 205人关注
英文版: Encounter serious blow when you, even be utterly discredited when. Need not see the person that your week meets with, because have in those eye,have deridingly abuse, can cause greater harm to you only. But also do not stop offal pace, because the person all around can lend an opportunity rush up in a crowd,repair you. You need to staring at the road before only, toward your heart medium hilltop is precipitant, gradually, the person that abuses you is cast in back by you, when you from altitude look down at they, the eyes that those distaining was become look up at.
火星文: 當伱遭遇嚴重咑擊,甚至身敗名裂啲塒候。鈈必看伱周遭啲囚,因為那些眼咣裏洧嘲笑洧辱罵,呮茴對伱造成哽夶啲傷害。但吔別停丅腳步,因為四周啲囚茴借機茴┅擁洏仩修悝伱。伱呮需盯著眼前啲蕗,朝伱惢ф啲屾頭勇往直前,漸漸,罵伱啲囚被伱拋茬身後,當伱從高處俯視彵們,那些鄙視啲眼神就成為叻仰望。