陈丹青 · 707人关注
英文版: My personal experience tells me, read have two effect, it is to let my flatter oneself be not, it is to let me have me house, have inner life. The book that I had read is not much, but the lifetime that the book changed me, the book gives me a long-term position.
火星文: 莪啲儭身經曆告訴莪,讀圕洧両個作鼡,┅昰讓莪自鉯為非,┅昰讓莪洧┅間自己啲房孓,洧內惢苼活。莪讀過啲圕鈈哆,但昰圕改變叻莪啲┅苼,圕給莪┅個長期啲竝場。