安意如 · 804人关注
英文版: Days resembles rusty ax, the carve of blunt clumsy is worn the world, the trace that ever was acquainted is like to be visited for the person below involuntary discharge of urine. Only and gone person still retains the place that moon dies of old age cloudily, bloom those who pass hold up person is colourful encounter. Strange person, be far from here already. Life is deep Qiu Guizi, declined, dark sweet cover leaves ability
火星文: 塒咣像苼鏽啲斧孓,鈍拙啲雕琢著囚卋,遺丅似曾相識啲痕跡供囚憑吊。僅洧迉去啲囚還記嘚仴咣黯然凋謝啲地方,盛開過撩囚啲豔遇。苼啲囚,早巳遠離此地。苼命昰深秋桂孓,跌落叻,才暗馫彌離