张小娴 · 167人关注
英文版: Alone not be inherent, begin what fall in love with a person by you however to like a person momently then, won't have anguish. Love a person, perhaps have the anguish with long continous, but the pleasure that he gives me, also be the greatest pleasure on the world.
火星文: 孤單鈈昰與苼俱唻,洏昰由伱愛仩┅個囚啲那┅刻開始囍歡┅個囚,昰鈈茴洧痛苦啲。愛┅個囚,吔許洧綿長啲痛苦,但彵給莪啲快圞,吔昰卋仩朂夶啲快圞。
下一篇 >>梦想简直就像这个世界的缩影一样,一场闹剧。