汪国真 · 397人关注
英文版: The person that have mind can Jian virtuous, like the Qi Guobao when age Jian of force of tooth of father's younger brother runs second, below him Gan Juji; Like Senegal allow presidential mulberry Ge Errang is located in Diwufu, oneself are happy retired. Such bosom, to national prosperity development and long period of order and stability are very beneficial.
火星文: 洧胸懷者能薦賢,洳春秋塒齊國鮑菽牙仂薦管仲,自己咁居其丅;洳塞內加爾第┅任總統桑戈爾讓位於迪烏夫,自己圞於隱退。這樣啲胸懷,對國鎵啲繁榮發展囷長治久咹都昰┿汾洧益啲。
<< 上一篇天之生民,非为君也;天之立君,以为民也。
下一篇 >>以欢喜心过生活,以温柔心除挂碍。