刘墉 · 353人关注
英文版: If a person is in,the talent of political circles or business circles is not admitted by the society at that time, say very hard to go up very great; Article group is different, what article bound depends on is work itself, the outstanding achievement of article group great person depends on not just at that time, more affect later ages deeply, can touch today person, more inspire later generations! This namely the account that article bound wants prep above political circles and business circles.
火星文: 若昰┅個囚茬政堺戓商堺啲才囮鈈被當塒啲社茴承認,就很難稱嘚仩很偉夶啲;攵堺則鈈哃,攵堺茬於啲昰作品夲身,攵堺偉囚啲業績鈈僅僅茬於當塒,哽深深地影響後卋,鈳感動紟囚,哽啟發後囚!這吔就昰攵堺偠高於政堺囷商堺啲原因。
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