陈果 · 164人关注
英文版: Be fear of straight face no longer when the person alone, however calm ground is content with alone, so he also knew esteem alone, learned will alone the friend that counts the life, and experience in well-meaning ground when him alone while, he grows already the thinker to enjoy loneliness.
火星文: 當囚鈈洅懼怕直面孤單,洏昰坦然地咹於孤單,那仫彵吔就懂嘚叻尊重孤單,學茴叻將孤單視為苼活の伖,洏當彵茬善意地感受孤單啲哃塒,彵巳然成長為享受孤獨啲思想者。
<< 上一篇我颠覆整个世界,只为摆正你的倒影。
下一篇 >>学会接纳自己,停止苛求完美,才会活得更坦荡自在。