林清玄 · 219人关注
英文版: The person also is the beautiful seed of an ordinary crowndaisy chrysanthemum, without giving thought to climate how, no matter where be the place of stay, only should opportunity of survival sinks in burying a heart, although be on new land, also can spit bud, blossom, written guarantee a new beautiful seed.
火星文: 囚吔昰┅個平凡啲茼蒿啲婲籽,鈈管気候洳何,鈈管哪裏昰落腳啲地方,呮偠洧苼機沉埋惢ф,即使茬陌苼啲汢地仩,吔茴吐芽,開婲,並結絀噺啲婲籽。