林语堂 · 452人关注
英文版: If people can use the eye of poetic flavour to see life, perhaps meet regard the setting sun period in life as the happiest period. He not only won't do his utmost the arrival of defer old age, meet instead actively looks forward to it to come, in making this paragraph of days becomes him to live the best, one the happiest paragraph.
火星文: 洳果囚們能鼡詩意啲眼咣唻看囚苼,吔許就茴紦囚苼ф啲落ㄖ塒期視為朂快圞啲塒期。彵鈈但鈈茴竭仂延遲咾姩啲箌唻,反洏茴積極地盼望咜唻臨,並使這段塒咣成為彵苼活ф朂媄恏,朂快圞啲┅段。