七堇年 · 936人关注
英文版: When the road is closer and closer, former days scene suddenly between such blotting out the sky and cover up the earth and come, I carry on have no time. Time passes so fast, the thing is too much. Sadness had not enough time. However fine fine count sth on one's fingers rises, have what kind of surging forward with great momentum again after all- - actually otherwise, just be some of ripple that river side billows, at this point broken stream till disappear,drip. It is life so.
火星文: 蕗越唻越近啲塒候,舊ㄖ情景忽然の間這樣鋪兲蓋地洏唻,莪承接鈈暇。塒間過嘚這仫啲快,倳情呔哆。悲傷都唻鈈及叻。然洏細細掐算起唻,究竟又洧何許波瀾壯闊--其實鈈然,呮鈈過昰些河面瀲灩啲波紋,就此破誶鋶淌直至消夨。洳此就昰苼命。