坂田银时 · 367人关注
英文版: Who wants to help those guy! Stop no less than coming, the body does not listen handle, do sth without authorization wants to run ahead. Mix in front from the back bowstring is pestering father, pulling circling father, extremely irritated ah! Hand ah crural A, to you 9 also are indifferent to, calculate the body to be cut to get the skin is torn and the flash gap open, if can cut off the word of those blamed evil predestined relationships, cut father to look!
火星文: 誰想去救那些鎵夥啊!停鈈丅唻啊,身體鈈聽使喚,擅自就想姠前跑。前面囷後面都洧弦纏著咾孓,拉著繞著咾孓,煩嘚鈈嘚叻啊!掱啊腳阿,給伱┅両條吔無所謂,就算身體被割嘚皮開禸綻,偠昰能割斷那些該迉啲孽緣啲話,就割給咾孓看看吧!