独木舟 · 693人关注
英文版: The person was brought up to be able to give others without too much feeling, use him warmth to feel rare, the world is chill and this is brisk, I do not know how you can have so royal courage, self-respect trample comes down in the foot the love that defend did not hold at all.
火星文: 囚長夶叻就莈洧呔哆啲感情鈳鉯給別囚,鼡唻溫暖自己都覺嘚稀薄,這個卋堺冷漠洏凜冽,莪鈈知噵伱怎仫茴洧那仫盛夶啲勇気,將自尊踐踏茬腳丅唻捍衛┅場根夲莈洧紦握啲愛情。