三毛 · 554人关注
英文版: Next what years is about to die in your person is burning hot sticking rise, slow and helpless day, besides make a person slack and tired besides, unexpectedly to what confused disinclination, empty ground is enduring the day of be soiled of sweat be soiled in the heart.
火星文: 歲仴茬囹囚欲迉啲燚熱丅粘叻起唻,緩慢洏無奈啲ㄖ孓,除叻使囚懶散囷疲倦の外,竟對什仫都迷迷糊糊啲鈈起勁,惢裏涳涳洞洞地熬著汗漬漬啲ㄖ孓。