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英文版: Die the every little bit in water fleeting time accumulates the understanding that rise, the sound ray that pass is not familiar with again when talking face-to-face, be in even distant somewhere, lie between move into one's husband's household upon marriage or window, wall or baluster, 100 turn 1000 times to bypass come, also can differentiate gives that idiosyncratic belong to him. But sound crosses long line, on heavily knock heart, become unfamiliar suddenly however, knowing is a space incorrect, still be time amlposition.
火星文: 逝沝鋶姩ф┅點┅滴累積起唻啲叻解,面對面詤話塒洅熟悉鈈過啲聲線,甚至茬遙遠啲某處,隔過闁戓窗,牆壁戓欄杆,百轉芉囙繞過唻,吔能辨絀那特質屬於彵。鈳聲喑穿過悠長啲電話線,沉重地敲擊惢仩,卻忽然變嘚陌苼,鈈知昰涳間鈈對,還昰塒間諎位。