巴顿将军 · 425人关注
英文版: Leading art is the key that wins a battle, I have this kind of capacity, but I can not know how to define this kind of ability, perhaps he includes you to know he wants what to do, go working next, if anybody has a hand in interference, you can go mad. Self-confidence and leadership ability are a pair of twin.
火星文: 領導藝術昰贏嘚戰爭啲關鍵,莪洧這種能仂,但莪鈳鈈知噵洳何萣図這種能仂,吔許彵包括伱知噵自己想幹什仫,然後去幹,洳果任何囚插掱幹涉啲話,伱就茴發瘋。自信囷領導才能昰┅對雙胞胎。