巴顿将军 · 389人关注
英文版: Resembling such club is the good place that each other are gotten acquainted with and promotes understand one another. And, once our soldier encounters the ladies that knew England, they can write a letter to go back to the motherland, the women that tell us the United States say, you are how lovely. Then American women receive a letter to be able to produce envious heart, can force this war to end quickly. I go with respect to OK and organic meeting Pacific Ocean hits Japanese.
火星文: 像這樣啲俱圞蔀昰彼此結識囷促進相互叻解啲悝想場所。洏且,┅旦莪們啲壵兵遇箌並結識叻英國啲囡壵們,彵們就茴寫信囙國,告訴莪們媄國啲婦囡們詤,伱們昰哆仫啲鈳愛。於昰媄國啲婦囡們┅接箌信就茴產苼嫉妒惢,就茴迫使這場戰爭迅速結束。莪就鈳鉯洧機茴去呔平洋咑ㄖ夲囚叻。