Wholeheartedly criterion Wu Yue is an organic whole, be proud content criterion flesh and blood is a road.
Read aloud Gao Wei, think of modest to rush and from herd; Dread is filled with completely, criterion below Sai Jianghai 100 plain.
Complain be absent big, but Wei alone person, carry Zhou Fuzhou, place appropriate is deep careful.
Hold concurrently listen criterion bright, slant the letter is dark.
Be proud cannot grow, desire cannot vertical, happy cannot extremely, annals cannot full.
Beg wooden better, originally surely its are essential; What be about to flow is far person, surely dredge its springhead; Think of the person of the country that install, accumulate its surely heart justice.
Be prepared for danger in times of safety, excessive of Buddhist monastic discipline with frugal.
Of honour or disgrace duty, care oneself and do not care about a person.
Sincere visibility but desire, think content with one's lot with from Buddhist monastic discipline; Will have, think of know to stop in order to bring a person; Read aloud Gao Wei, think of modest to rush and from herd; Dread is brimmed over with, criterion below Sai Jianghai 100 plain; Happy dish swim, think of 3 drive to think degree; Care laches, criterion Sai Shen only then and respect eventually; Lv stop up is my, think of modest fall with accept; Think slander evil, criterion Sai Zhengshen in order to remove from office evil; Favour place is added, think of because be fond of,do not have admire with erroneous; Punish place to reach, think of because of,do not have angry and excessive punishment.