罗斯福 · 149人关注
英文版: Do great business, enjoy proud success, even if confront failure, also what does Yuan Sheng enjoy with both neither too, also do not bear the pitiful creature associate with of what anguish, because their life is in,do not know to win and be retreated be defeated why the gloomy and muddleheaded region of content.
火星文: 做偉夶啲倳情,享受驕傲啲成功,哪怕遭遇夨敗,吔遠勝過與既鈈享受什仫,吔鈈承受什仫痛苦啲鈳憐蟲為伍,因為彵們苼活茬鈈知噵勝利囷退敗為何粅啲噅暗混沌地帶。