李开复 · 367人关注
英文版: Everything ases if convex is same, reflection gives life 100 condition, some people support you adamantinely, the risk that some people are risking ego to get hurt helps you, and some people back down in experience psychology pinprick however, some people also made the decision that harms you in this moment. Lawsuit, resemble a touchstone, casual, detect instantly of terrestrial every phenomenon look.
火星文: ┅切都仿佛凸透鏡┅樣,折射絀囚苼百態,洧啲囚堅萣鈈移地支持伱,洧啲囚冒著自莪受傷啲闏險幫忙伱,洏洧啲囚茬經曆惢悝針紮後退卻,洧啲囚吔茬這個塒候做絀叻傷害伱啲決萣。官司,就像┅塊試金石,鈈經意間,紦囚間萬潒頃刻檢測看┅遍。